Alien Menace Popper - Download Sources

Alien Menace Popper

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Alien Menace Popper 1
Alien Menace Popper 1
Alien Menace Popper 1
Alien Menace Popper 1
Alien Menace Popper 1
Alien Menace Popper 1
Alien Menace Popper 1
Alien Menace Popper 1

Pop the aliens through the vastness of the universe. Just so you know, it won’t be easy. Maybe the aliens look cute, but the looks can be deceiving. Every alien has their own unique behavior that you must overcome or you will fail fast. There are also some upgrades to make your life easier and obstacles to make it balanced. And in the end, there are unique bosses and no instructions for them. Can you figure out how to defeat them before they defeat you!? n nSend me your feedback or feel free to contact me if you like for any specific reason. [email protected]